Parallel sessions contain one invited lecture each and will be filled with suitable abstracts. Final programme allocation therefore will only be done once the submitted and accepted abstracts will be allocated.
Session list
Plenary Sessions
- Paediatric Stroke
- Acute movement disorder
- Migraine
- Cortical development/malformations
- Imaging to assess normal and pathological language development
- Brain malformations – the role of imaging in the era of neurogenetics
- Functionell disorders
- New perspectives in rehabilitation
- The unknown pathophysiology of cerebral palsy
- Rapid genome
- Prolonged (convulsive) seizures and status epilepticus: when, how, why
- Congenital myopathies
- Duchenne
- Gene therapy
- Csf diagnostics
- Encephalopathy
- Transition in demyelinating disorders
Early Morning Teaching Sessions
- Climate change – Relevance for neuropaedeatric diseases
- Neurometabolic disorders – What does paedriatic neurologist need to know?
- Movement disorders – The complexity of speciality
- Advocacy Training for Child Neurology and Brain Health
- Infantile epileptic spasms – Neurophysiology, diagnosis and treatment controversies
- Palliativ care – Primacy of pain management
- Fetal/neonatal neurology
- Video session – movement disorders-What is common, what is uncommon?
- The basics of ketogenic dietary therapies: What should I know?
- Acute neurological deficits – a systematic approach
- Pediatric neurology – is ethics neglected?
- Video session: Epilepsy – What is common, what is uncommon?
Parallel Sessions
Parallel sessions will contain one invited lecture each and will be filled with suitable oral presentations. Final programme allocation therefore will only be done once the submitted and accepted abstracts been allocated.
Invited lectures are:
- What is in the genes?
- Dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Update in management opportunities
- After decades of MS-research: What is really new?
- Value of EEG in neonatal seizures
- Value of EEG in neonatal brain injury
- IGAP and child neurology – what, why and how
- Gene therapies – Why is it more successful in SMA than in DMD
- Moyamoya angiopathy – What about strokes risks
- TBI – Is mild really mild?
- Genetics and neuropaediatrics: The beginning of a beautiful friendship
- Outcome beyonde seizures in DEE
- Migraine: The change in pharmacotherapy in the last 5 years
- Controversies in the management of neuroinfections
- Research structures in Paediatric neurology – GOSH/UCL
- Research structures in Paediatric neurology – DZKJ
- Tuberous sclerosis – Did the TOSCA registry add something new?
- Debate: Long covid – Modern term for functional neurological disorders
- Neurodegeneration -What we learn from neuroscience
- FASD – Why no one likes to talk about
- The Norwegian CP registry – What have we learned?
- Debate: Transition in epileptology – easy
- Debate: Transition in epileptology – complex
Invited Faculty
Anderson Guro, Norway
Bahi-Buisson Nadia, France
Bigi Sandra, Switzerland
Blankenburg Markus, Germany
Bonfert Michaela, Germany
Bönnemann Carsten, USA
Borggräfe Ingo, Germany
Brunklaus Andreas, United Kingdom
Cilio Roberta, Belgium
Cleland Joanne, United Kingdom
Eisermann Monika, France
Ertl-Wagner Birgit, Canada
Forsyth Rob, United Kingdom
Gärtner Jutta, Germany
Hackenberg Annette, Switzerland
Helfferich Jelte, Netherlands
Jansen Anna, Belgium
Jansen Floor, Netherlands
Klepper Joerg, Germany
Komarek Vladimir, Czech Republic
Koy Anne, Germany
Krsek Pavel, Czech Republic
Lagae Lieven, Belgium
Landgraf Mirjam, Germany
Lim Ming Jin, United Kingdom
Lin Jean Pierre, United Kingdom
Mackay Mark, Australia
Makowski Christine, Germany
Marckmann Georg, Germany
Marschik Peter, Germany
Meyer-Heim Andreas, Switzerland
Monbaliu Elegast, Belgium
Müller-Felber Wolfgang, Germany
O’Callaghan Finbar, United Kingdom
Papadopoulou Marietta, Germany
Pozo-Rosich Patricia, Spain
Pressler Ronit, United Kingdom
Rossi Andrea, Italy
Rostasy Kevin, Germany
Schara-Schmidt Ulrike, Germany
Sejersen Thomas, Sweden
Singhi Prathiba, India
Smyth Rosalind, United Kingdom
Staudt Martin, Germany
Stine Christ, Germany
Stolt Suvi, Finland
Striano Pasquale, Italy
Thiel Moritz, France
Wilke Marko, Germany
Willemsen Michel, Netherlands
Winkelmann Juliane, Germany
Wolf Nicole, Netherlands
Zafeiriou Dimitrios, Greece
Zuberi Sameer, United Kingdom
We would like to thank all authors for their submissions and their interest in shaping the scientific programme of the EPNS Congress 2025. Notifications will be sent to the first author of the abstract at the end of March.
The abstracts will be allocated in the following scientific tracks:
- Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Investigation
- Epilepsy: Medical and Surgical treatment
- Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases/Neuroimmunology
- Fetal and Neonatal Neurology
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Cerebrovascular Disorders
- Neurogenetics
- Movement Disorders/Cerebral Palsy
- Neurometabolic Disorders
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders/Developmental Neuroscience
- Neuropsychiatric Disorders/Functional Neurological Disorders
- Basic Science
- Neurorehabiltation
- Headache/Migraine
- Neuro-Oncology
- Miscellaneous
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Palliative Care
- Neurological Emergencies
- Climate Change
Deadline for submissions was 31 January 2025 23:59:59 CET.
During the Congress three prizes will be awarded: Outstanding abstract, Best ePoster, Best Oral presentation.
In order to apply for the Outstanding abstract award, you need to be an EPNS trainee member with paid current year EPNS subscription fee, the abstract must report original research not previously published and you need to tick the box in the abstract submission tool. The Awards will be presented during the congress. The three winners will receive a free registration for the 17th EPNS Congress in Barcelona, Spain.
The German Society of Paediatric Neurology and the European Paediatric Neurology Society are offering bursaries. Bursary applications will be evaluated by the Local Organising Committee together with the EPNS Scientific and Research Committee. Successful applicants will be able to receive either a free congress registration (excluding networking events) or 500 EUR via bank transfer after the congress in 2025 in Munich.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Submit an EPNS Congress 2025 abstract
- Be a trainee OR practice in a World Bank Class 1,2,3 country, i.e. practice in a country which does not appear on this list World Bank list of high income economies
- Be an EPNS member and paid the 2025 annual subscription fees.
Note: 2025 annual subscription fee payments will be accepted towards the end of 2024. Successful bursary candidates will be expected to have paid the 2025 annual subscription fee before 1 February 2024
Complete the Application through the link below and also send:
- CV
- Supervisor letter of support
- Copy of the passport photo page
Deadline for submissions is the 15 February 2025 23:59:59 CET.
Learning Objectives
EPNS’ core educational goal and purpose are that the significant burden of neurological diseases in childhood is addressed through research and education as these disorders have a lifelong impact on the individual, their careers and society as a whole.
Learning objectives include, amongst others:
- Acquire knowledge about artificial intelligence in paediatric neurology as well as neurogenetics, -imaging and -modulation
- Improve knowledge of paediatric stroke, traumatic brain injury, migraine and paediatric neurocritical care
- Better understanding of neurodevelopment and neurorehabilitation
- Improve knowledge of the structure of care for children with complex neurological problems
Expected educational outcome(s)
The EPNS Congress provides an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of child neurology, including basic science, diagnostic methods, and novel treatments.
Attendees will meet and communicate with colleagues, focused on delivering the best possible care for children with neurological disorders.
Attendees will collect the latest updates on developing technologies, clinical applications and practical solutions, swap ideas, share problems and discover solutions with international peers on state-of-the-art treatment options and evidence-based medicine during the plenary and parallel sessions (lectures) and teaching sessions (more practical).
The changing nature of paediatric neurology in the gene therapy era means child neurologists will be the clinicians who advise on and monitor these life-transforming therapies. Paediatric Neurology will evolve significantly as a discipline over the next decade and a goal of the EPNS Congress is to prepare delegates to classify the opportunities and challenges that come with this development.
The congress provides a platform to create a network, collect innovative ideas and suggestions for improvements.